Concentration of EH Bildu to report the overrun of the Donostia Metro Intern
  • Eh Bildu has called a rally for Saturday in Gasteiz under the motto 'The Nonsense: The expenditure of the metro for social priorities'. It will be at 12:00 a.m., in front of the Euskal Trenbide Sarea office at Amara Topo Station. “In Donostia-San Sebastián most people know that it is not necessary and that, in addition, there are other priorities right now,” they stressed.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2020ko urriaren 21
Metroko zulaketa lanak geldirik daude Easo eta Mirakontxa arteko zatian, eta egonkortze lanak egiten ari dira langileak.

Eh Bildu says that the works of the subway intern are “getting worse and worse”: “While it is clear that before starting this project it was a waste of public money, in times of pandemic, in these difficult times, it has to be said that this pharaonic work makes much less sense.”

They have denounced that ETS is "hiding everything" instead of making the project's mistakes and overruns transparent to the public. "It is trying to give a false picture of normality when what is happening is very serious," he added. But today, it is not possible to keep public opinion that the appearance of water and sand in the La Concha area has been a surprise.” In addition, they added that the mayor, Eneko Goia, has joined this coalition "strategy". “Although he has been making sure, both in the City Hall and in the press, that the works were still normal, at yesterday’s hearing he said he does not want to talk about what happened, because that is the responsibility of the Basque Government. Now, when you know that the project has collapsed, it doesn’t want to give its face and it doesn’t mean the truth to the Donostiarras.”

According to EH Bildu, during the pandemic, millions of euros cannot be spent “on rescuing projects of very low social profitability”. They point out that instead of this infrastructure there are others that have a higher priority: “For example, the Altza-Galtzaraddresses section, the unfolding of Euskotren in the entire Zarautz-Irun section, the landfill in Pasaia and the Renfe-Euskotren exchanger in Loiola”.

Meanwhile, EH Bildu has recalled that ETS has also begun planning the area of Amara station urbanistically. “He distributed a leaflet of home propaganda, which is currently on his website, announcing the construction of more than 500 homes in the area occupied by the Easo station. Faced with this situation, a number of agents from Amara, Amara Berri and Morlans have been outraged and have shown their rejection of this cause. In fact, it is up to the City Council of San Sebastian to plan what it wants to do in this area, and in addition, the most appropriate and fair thing is that the neighbors and neighbors also participate in the decisions”.