Kakux visits the presentation of the new bishop of San Sebastian, a priest condemned by the Church for pederasty
  • On Monday, Bilbaíno Fernando Prado was appointed new bishop of San Sebastian. He will inherit Munilla after eight months without bishop. But the most surprising aspect of the presentation was the presence of Juan Kruz Mendizabal Kakux.
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2022ko azaroaren 02a

Juan Kruz Mendizabal Kakux was convicted by the Vatican for pederastia when several men sued him. Kakux itself accepted the accusations. According to the men's testimonies, when they were children and adolescents, they were victims of sexual assault during the summer colonies with Kakux, taking advantage of the good relationship of the cure with them. Among other things, when they slept, they entered the tent and masturbated them.

After hearing the allegations of José Ignacio Munilla in March 2016, Kakux was dismissed until then deputy general of Gipuzkoa. According to the information disseminated by the Bishopric, the allegations include “inadequate retouches” to two underage boys in 2001 and 2005. Later, more young people have reported.

The prosecution ruled that Mendizabal's abuses were prescribed and decided to file the case. On the contrary, ecclesiastical justice extended the process, in which the Donostian priest was convicted. It is precisely for this reason that Kakux was exiled from Gipuzkoa to a monastery and under the tutelage of another cleric, has been performing psychological and spiritual therapy.

During these years Kakux has disappeared from public life at the request of the Church. However, they have announced that in recent years he has given several Mass in the Goierri. Although yesterday’s act was public, there are few priests who appear in it, and one of them is Kakux, which draws attention.