Donostia minor denounces sexual abuse by martial arts coach
  • A minor from Donostia-San Sebastian has denounced that her martial arts coach has sexually abused her, as she was able to tell the agency Efe. The minor filed a complaint about a month ago about sexual abuse by her coach in 2018, according to the Foral Police.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Beñat Parra @parrabenat 2021eko ekainaren 04a
Indarkeria Matxistaren Aurkako Eguneko manifestazioa, iaz. Argazkia: Joseba Parron San Sebastian / Irutxulo

According to the complaint, the man began to write messages that "were adopting an increasing sexual trace". Thus, the man proposed to go home, “to maintain relationships”, although he knew he was a minor. The minor accepted it, “for the moment that he was going through it.” The adolescent, however, told him that “he was not satisfied”, but the man continued until the minor took her off.

A week later, according to the complaint, the coach again proposed to go home, where he resides in Anoeta. The minor, at first, gave him “excuses” not to go, “because he didn’t want to go.” The man, for his part, insisted on the need to have sex continuously and “the minor did not oppose it, despite feeling uncomfortable and being blocked”. According to Efe, the man was arrested, although he was subsequently released while making a statement as a detainee by the police.