Broad mobilization to denounce the Basque aggression in San Juan de Luz
  • The Gaztetxe de San Juan de Ziburu has organized a rally for Tuesday afternoon, and both the mayor of San Juan de Luz and the Basque Confederation have supported the call.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko uztailaren 05a
Lapurdiko herri bateko festak 2019an. Argazkia:

Last weekend, a neighbor of Donibane Lohizune (Lapurdi) was beaten for speaking in Basque on the street during the festivities. The call for concentration called for by Donibane Ziburu's Gaztetxe for Tuesday has received support.

The Mayor of San Juan de Luz, Jean François, has denounced the aggression and claimed the right to live in Euskera. In a statement, Lehendakari warned that the Basque "is not negotiable" and announced that he and the rest of the elected Republicans will go to mobilisation. The Basque Football Confederation has also published a press release in the Official State Gazette. The Confederation has framed the attack on Euskera in a global context: “As this happens one month after the Constitutional Council took a decision, it appears that some features felt protected to express their hatred with complete impunity. But aggressions, threats, insults -- they're not going to silence us! In the street, at home, at school, at work, in the administration, in the shops... We continue to live in Basque and live in Basque!”

The concentration will take place at 19:00 this Tuesday, in the framework of the XIV Louis PSE Congress. On the plaza.