On subsidy policy
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2022ko irailaren 22a
Eusko Legebiltzarreko politika orokorreko saioa irailaren 22an (argazkia: Eusko Legebiltzarra)

The Basque Government minister, Arantxa Tapia, opposed limiting the price of basic food because multinationals owned large areas and small producers did not see it with good eyes. It did not lie, but the claim that the two sides shared their position on this issue was a fraud. The multinationals made it clear that they would not accept limits; the producers immediately saw the cost of the measure on their backs.

The debate on what public policies are needed for the transition and how to finance them is being replaced by welfare measures

Some spoke from power, others from the needs of survival. It is precisely from that corner that leaves you unable to look in the long term. In addition to putting limits on multinationals, farmers and farmers need to talk about securing direct and immediate channels for marketing production or changing the consumption model, as the OECD clearly said on its anniversary. However, governments have linked them to the debate on the level of subsidies.

Subsidies to deal with damage from droughts, floods or fires; subsidies to continue to use the car; bonuses to reactivate consumption… Although the policy of subsidies breathes into those who are struggling to survive, in short, it is a policy that helps those who have power. All these situations that demonstrate that we are at the end of the cycle require us to go to the root and go into the journeys that must have a solid base. And that is precisely the right that they are stealing from these grant policies, because they are replacing the debate with the assistance measures to decide which public policies are needed for the transition and how to finance them.