Start fundraising to help the sanctioned in Aroztegi's camp
  • Last week, Aroztegi’s neighbours faced 10 fines in the protests that took place against the project.
Erran .eus @erran_eus 2021eko ekainaren 08a

Three weeks ago, the Aroztak group reported that 10 people had taken complaints and were called to testify for a crime of coercion for paralyzing the works of the Aroztegi project. In addition, several people were identified.

Now, the citizens have received 10 fines for participating in the camp, which has organised unauthorised demonstrations in the private sphere. To respond to this, they have already started raising funds at Elizondo and Elbet and in the following days they will go from home to home. People who are willing to collaborate have many ways to make their contributions; purchase material and bonds, make financial contributions... to this end they have made the 'Help' section available to the website with more information.