A vacancy ignites the premises of the Union of Tenants of Tenerife
  • Among other things, they use the premises as a warehouse to receive basic materials and deliver them to people in need. The threats of the deskupas have already existed.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko ekainaren 25

On the night of Saturday through Sunday, the Tenerife Tenants Union suffered a fascist attack. At 03:00 a.m., the place used by the union was burned by a vacancy company. It is based in San Isidro (Granadilla de Abona, Spanish State) and, above all, uses it as a warehouse.

It collects clothing, books, toys and other basic materials in order to be able to deliver them to people who need them. According to the union members, many neighbours come to him when they need him.

Previous threats

The union has not hesitated in the authorship of the attack: "We are clear, we only have recognized enemies." He warns that the killers of vacancy companies play in a "criminal and out-of-court" way and that they have previously threatened the group of tenants. In fact, once he approached the venue, some of the skinny tosses recorded a video at the entrance as a threat.

In addition, on Saturday afternoon, a few hours before the fascist attack, the desokupas passed through the premises. Inside were several members of the union who were insulted by the fascists.

According to witnesses, on Saturday night a golf car ran near the site where it was attacked. The union says "by chance" that this car is precisely the one that has a bully of a jobless company.

Persons responsible

"The real estate agencies and vulture funds hired by these companies are complicit in these kinds of activities," says the tenant union. They recall that these actions, in this case, "have been carried out peacefully against a group that defends the right to decent housing for all".

"Capitalism makes it possible to create these criminal groups that act against the working class and those who defend their rights," added the members of Tenerife.