Two unemployed men try to unlawfully evict a San Sebastian house
  • Under the motto 'Desokupa out', they meet on Saturday in front of the house.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2024ko maiatzaren 14a
Argazkia: Xabier Zubeldia

On Friday, around 20:00, two men who identified themselves on behalf of the company Desokupa44 moved to a house occupied in Calle Virgen del Carmen 44 in Egia (Donostia) and threatened the young people who lived there.

The threats, insults and “lies” that occurred on the other side of the door, manifested by the young people living in it: “They were homophobic and sexist insults, and they said they would cut off light and water.” At 20:30 two men left with the threat of “In an hour we will return 30 colleagues and from tomorrow we will put control at the entrance until you go.”

Responding to the call of Okupas, from 20:30 hours, about 40 neighbors and neighbors who went to defend the house opened a banner with Desokupa out.

The 44 house of Karmengo Ama is known in the neighborhood because its owner keeps it in a precarious situation: infravivienda, has half a dozen empty houses and unfortunate conditions. The elevator has been damaged for two years and a woman with special needs cannot leave. The Association of Neighbours Egia Bizirik has for years been denouncing the attitude of its owner and calling for solutions.