The changes announced in the new design of the LOMLOE have created discomfort in the Agora Association, which groups together professors of Philosophy of the CAV, and have written a letter to the vice-counselor of Education, Begoña Pedrosa, who see “absolutely necessary” reinforcing the subjects that correspond to philosophy and its branches and practices.
The law leaves room for changes to the autonomous governments and, on that basis, they have made specific requests to the Basque Government. On the one hand, the shielding of the subject of Philosophy offered in 4th Compulsory Secondary Education, to be taught in all centers. On the other hand, the subject of Ethical Values should be present and mandatory in all ESO courses – today it is an alternative to Religion – by understanding that “it is essential to develop ethical reflection, strengthen critical autonomy and the health of coexistence”.
Why is Philosophy necessary?
Agora has given several reasons, in line with the European pedagogical and curricular proposals. Philosophy is important, “to learn to think, to build critical autonomy, to learn to learn, to lay solid foundations in linguistic competencies, to delve into the bioethical challenges proposed by STEM competencies, to set in motion solid foundations for the coexistence of educational communities…”.