Libe Solozabal Askasibar 2021eko uztailaren 05a

A person, a smartphone. This defines present-day human beings well. Mobile, Internet, WiFi, laptop, TV. These are things that we all have, things that you can find in every house. Those that help us and make life easier for us. To stay with friends, to consume multimedia, to buy, to acquire and learn knowledge, and also to curiosear.

However, high-end technology reduces our capabilities with the intent to make life easier until we become subjects. We live in a time of growth, but development has reached its peak and decadent point, that of the lives and the natural resources we need to live.

"We're all drugged. With different substances, but almost all. Some with synthetic drugs, some with technology."

But going back to the dependencies, when I was in college in a dependent subject, we learned what the safety distance was. It was a concept I had never heard of. It's a term used in drug use. And I thought it was really interesting to meet him, because we all got drugged. With different substances, but almost all. Some with synthetic drugs, some with technology, to the point of developing unconscious dependence. Most are also drugged with alcohol, as a practice rooted in our culture and as a form of maximum socialization.

In any case, the safety distance refers to the amount to be consumed in order for a substance to produce an effective effect and to have no desired effects. In other words, the difference between the dose to avoid a harmful effect and achieve the desired effect.

Technologies, like drugs, should be used to the right extent. In each case, use can be beneficial, but to a point. The dilemma is that if you don't control, he will consume you.