Before the coronavirus, not everything is worth it. We should talk more about our bodies, our territories and our life models. And we would have to ask ourselves how we are affected, among other things: precariousness, rapid lifestyles, loss of sovereignty, violence, stress, processed and transgenic food, air pollution, bodily canons, unexpressed pains, systems centered on production, privatizations of services, comparisons and self-demand, the judgments of others… All of this prevents us from developing viruses in an integral way.
We relate health with the whole, with physical, emotional, mental and social well-being, with the capabilities and possibilities of carrying out our lives and vital projects. So we believe that the spread of collective hysteria doesn't help. This alertness situation that we're living makes us disable our bodies. Fear has entered our bodies and thus we are delegating power blindly: to the experts, to the politicians, and also to the police. Through the personalization and guilt of responsibility, all responsibility is placed at the back of the individual: “Hello! If you go out into the street, you will infect and kill people!”, “denounce the neighbor!”
In this way, we have become accomplices to repressive mechanisms, while the responsibilities of the institutions and elites are being eliminated. In recent days, police forces have been deployed in towns, cities and roads, and borders have been militarized. Ignorance has spread and increased repression has been considered the only formula to respond to the vulnerability of society. They say that we cannot be reasonable, supportive or responsible if not with sanctions. But we know that its presence only increases the doctrine and control of “shock”.
This crisis situation has revealed a crisis of care and well-being that came from a long way, and we want to shoulder our responsibilities, which we owe, no more and no less. Don't treat us like stupid. We believe that the proportionality of the measures taken is uncertain, as information full of contradictions has spread through alarm. For example, last year, in 2019, 270,000 cases of cancer were detected in the Spanish State, of which 53,000 died. Last year, 525,300 cases of influenza were detected and 6,300 deaths from influenza and 10,000 people from pneumonia, not to mention thousands of other deaths (according to data provided by Karmelo Bizkarra Maiztegi). Explanations and transparency are due to us insofar as they are public responsibilities.
As soon as we become aware, we enter the jails of our house. But not everyone, we want to remember that we cannot stay at home, especially the caregivers, nurses, nursing assistants, cleaning personnel… mostly women, from precarious sectors. Even so, in anticipation of this situation being prolonged, we call for proportionality, common sense, tranquillity and the implementation of policies that take into account the needs of people, with measures to cope with isolation and its consequences.
In the name of our health, that they do not preclude us any more, that they individualize us more, that they isolate us in the face of multiple violence, cut our rights, leave us without pay or become responsible for all the care of the family members. Because health is much more than going against the virus, we would like to take advantage of this stop to breathe, to give nature the opportunity to recreate, to break with our daily lives and to imagine more livable lives. And in the end, faced with the consequences of the crisis on health, on the loss of sovereignty or on the economy and the new opportunities that open up, let us find a way to be close, to weave networks of mutual care and put lives in the spotlight. We know how to make the way.