Is everything tied and well tied?
Germán Gorraiz López 2024ko ekainaren 29a

The Spanish state would become the dystopian stage of Tejerazo, in 1981. There, the political leaders confined to Congress were "invited" to approve a tacit agreement in which the status quo linked to the monarchic system, the bipartisan political system (establishment of closed lists and the D'Hont Law) and the defense of the "indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation" were considered untouchable. These principles were enshrined in the 1978 Constitution and would be shielded from any institutional change that might occur in the Spanish State, as it would require a three-fifths majority of difference between Congress and the Senate, so the prophecy would be fulfilled: -Everything is tied and well tied.

In this context, after the disappearance of Citizens and Podemos, only Vox and peripheral nationalist parties would remain obstacles to ensuring the return of Bipartisanship. This will bring the triumph of the concept of stability or balance over a "stable system despite change", and moving it to the political sphere, it would translate into the Reform of the Regime of 78, without altering its fundamental principles (monarchic, centralist and neoliberal), the theses defended by the parties of the principal establishment of the Spanish State (pp and PSOE).

The return of bipartisanship?
After the summer break, it is not possible to rule out the signing of a state agreement PP-PSOE that covers the essential aspects for the operation of State machinery.

Feijoo has decided to free himself from the yoke of the FAES, which prevented him from acting as a moderate politician and a statesman, and was reviewing his current political strategy to incorporate into his political knowledge what is known as Machiavellian intelligence. This strategy consists of the use of cooperative or wrestling behaviors that may give rise to greater possibilities of adaptation to a given situation (renewal of GCPs).

Likewise, media intelligence has an extraordinary ability to discover external vulnerabilities and use them for its own benefit, as well as to perform complex actions. These complex actions may, in principle, not be understood by the voters, as their goals are projected towards an intermediate future (achieving the Government Presidency).

Thus, after a summer break, it is not possible to rule out the signing of a state agreement PP-PSOE that includes essential aspects for the operation of the state machinery, such as the Spanish Bank Presidency, the National Competition Market Commission (CNMC) and the renewal of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

This change of political paradigm would have blessings of the financial establishment and could allow future state agreements between the PP and the PSOE to represent the metamorphosis of the Regime of 78, through a sweetened reform of the current Constitution, with the maximum of gatopardism ("Change everything for nothing to change").

Germán Gorraiz López, analyst