Not everything will go well
  • “Everything will go well,” “Nobody will stay behind”… From the very beginning of the pandemic, governments, institutions and even financial institutions have thrown phrases like these to encourage us to limit and limit our freedoms. Let us not fool ourselves. Quite simply, because it is not true, but lies: everything will not go well and many will be left behind.
Juan Mari Arregi 2020ko maiatzaren 08a
Kapitala estrategia prestatzen ari da larrialditik irteten garenerako: langileei xantaia egingo die bihartik aurrera. (arg.: Dani Blanco / ARGIA)

That is not said by a trampoline of disasters, it is a cruel reality. Not everything is going well: we have thousands of deaths, many health workers, nursing homes have become loot to international investors and are bothered by the lack of resources, and charismatic politicians are shamelessly reliant on those deaths.

And yet, after the pandemic that we are going to have to live together, not everything is going to be OK. Capital is preparing its strategy. To date, it has been forced to resort to the Temporary Employment Regulation (ERTE) Dossiers and to public money, so it has not been able to lay off the workers. It argues that it maintains employment, that from tomorrow it will blackmail workers who have new dossiers for organisational reasons and propose the termination of contracts or the reduction of wages.

For this reason, tens of thousands of workers will lose their jobs, others will have more precarious work and their wages will be reduced; tens of thousands of young people will not be able to get their first job and will not be able to carry out life projects; women will be even more difficult if they are migrants… and inequality will increase.

How can we get all right with this picture? It goes well with the usual ones, with the capital that has socialized losses with public coffers, and is now preparing to privatize benefits at the expense of inequality, precariousness, reduction of employment and wage cuts.

“Everything will be fine, no one will be left behind.” A nice, but fake slogan.