White, black, red and blue vans; small, medium and very large vans; with awnings, with westphalia, or 4x4. Others have also had kitchen, bicycle, bathroom, shower and solar panel. “All in.” It is undeniable that a van is a vehicle that has been in the boga in recent years, as more and more people buy this type of vans and are mortgaged to travel in a luxury vehicle. We ourselves brought this kind of van last summer, and little by little, like many other Basques, we have gradually incorporated our new housing; come on, to spend a vacation. It's possible that last year's violent confinement had a lot to say in our heat wave, I'm sorry. Also when we were looking for a possible freedom ... The van appeared, we bought it and made it the source of all our dreams. And I believed that only we had come up with it. We’ve seen how we’ve filled the corners of Euskal Herria with a camper and camper in this year’s Easter. Live us and ours!
Following what I said at the Gordo, last month, when I went to work, I left my beautiful camper in the parking lot and went along with another one of our style. In our environment, this van was from another brand, the German one, from 1997 or, at least, from those which at one point were very expensive. Even though I was old, I thought I was one of those who “All in” had; another. However, the old runaway van had aroused sympathy in me. One day, while I was in front of him, I noticed that he had the stove on, because by the exhaust pipe he smelled a special smell. The curtains were closed and the crystals were steamed. I approached it a little bit with disgust, like to satisfy my curiosity, and suddenly I noticed inside radio or television noises.
Even though I kept walking, since then my thinking has become unstoppable. That morning, I asked her a thousand questions. Who would be inside the van? Once in high school, maybe some senior youth took the opportunity to make peppers, and couldn't help but take the opportunity to steal the keys from their parents and keep them excited. Two lovers may have quoted them and offered freedom to their appetite for meat. Unfortunately, suddenly, a northern wind blow pulled me out of my thoughts.
Then I understood that reality is much more prosaic or simple, and that morning, just ten minutes earlier, I remembered the debate that was taking place in the Basque Country on evictions and pensions. I'm already convinced that a homeless, or an old man who doesn't reach the minimum pension, is more likely to live in a camper so old and rusty, or even so rusty, than the lovers or students I imagined in my head. Since then I have decided to use the word “All in” carefully.