No to demagogy
  • Once he has a building, I can forget when I’m going, the years have been so long, in the clinic of Donapaleu who is the haidürü of our period in the violence of a barber, I’ve snooped with a gentleman from my side. In his youth he was for a time in the Batüeta Estü of America. Soon, I don’t know what, we were just about to mention the immigrants, and they started to say bad things about them.
Jean Louis Davant 2018ko ekainaren 18a

From me on the hour: “Were you also an immigrant in the Americas?” He immediately: “Oh yes, we went to Bena Gü Langit!” “Oh, and do you think these are pleasures?” “I remind you to take advantage of the laws of the Hons and Lagünges of France, especially the social segürtantxa and the Püblic zerbütxü... They fill the Zoko güziak, taking the French's place, mixing the corners, whether or not they want to keep the evildoers in their place... I don’t want you to drown in your house!”

The lüzing of this conversation did not lead to any such thing as, in that case, ützi günüan, and we went on to mention another hundred, always in the violent barber who haidürü of our period. This gentle preacher was not the other güziak well sordei / pisago, he did not speak of evil, he said what the other hanitch thought of ordüko. This fear of immigrants has since been really quick in the poplar, as if a poplar covered the güzia of Europe. The Elibat politician is being empowered by this shame, either in full faith or in order to go high in the vote, waiting for the potereal bardin to arrive. It seems to be a misconception, a false surprise: according to the experts, we find ourselves from the brains of this type of immigrants, especially in the area of the French Highway, Africa especially those who are looking for work know what unemployment is in this kingdom, and the fact that the praube strangers are not honki heben overti, especially those who are relying on müsülman.

Ütsü must also be segür, half phürü: an odd immigrant cannot be seen in Maule-Lelex or in the other urban chips of üngürü, Oloroe, Ortese, Donapaleu, Donibane-Garazi, Baigor, Hazparnen... Could you have them somewhere in Pau and Bayonne? A Bena Zone? Where is that horrible mention of zaikün üholde? It is wrong to cut off the wings of a perverse rumor, looking at the guitar at least from the growth of that vein, and to say plainly that there is no such thing, in the tongues of the political demagogue zones of salbü: such do not have our fifth merex.

This article has been published by the magazine Laborari and we have brought it to LA LUZ with your permission.