The distributors of the company Deliveroo are wage earners and non-self-employed workers, according to a court in Madrid, citing several workers
  • The judge has given the Social Security right in the presence of Delivero. According to the ruling, people who work as bicycle dealers have an employment relationship with the company, the working conditions are fixed by the company and the workers do not have autonomy.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko uztailaren 23a

Sociedad Madrid 19. The Court agrees with the Labour Inspectorate. Contrary to what the Deliveroo company claims, the judge has ruled that ‘riders’ are wage workers and self-employed non-workers.

The judgment considers that the conditions prevailing in the "provision of services by distributors" are those of "salaried work". The transporters “have carried out personal work in conditions managed and organized by the company”. Once the worker had accepted the request, the work had to be performed “in accordance with concrete instructions decided by the company, without appreciable margin for the worker’s autonomy”. The judgment underlines that the computer application that organizes the work and training of distributors is directly in the hands of the company.

The company Deliveroo uses a model of “false self-employed” that has been developed in recent times. This is a model widely criticized for the high levels of precariousness. Glovo is one of the pioneering companies of this work model.