Raimundo El Canaste wants to be tried for "incitement to hatred"
  • The date of the trial, which was due to take place on February 12, has been changed by an appeal filed at the last moment by the mayor of Estella. The group is now also accused of “inciting hatred” and its members would face up to four years in prison.
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Although the trial was originally due to take place on Wednesday, at the last moment the mayor of Estella, Marta Ruiz de Alda (UPN), has appealed and the lyrics of the song will now be investigated as a "criminal offence", according to Gedar.

The investigation against Raimundo El Canaste began last August. The issue revolves around the band's lyrics in the song Beff D'Alda, in which, for the municipal government, they are "threats, damage to moral integrity and insults."

Currently, what Axier López foresaw in the article published in LA LUZ has been fulfilled: the group will investigate the charge of "hate crime".

This includes obvious changes to the litigation:

To begin with, the "minor offences" that were previously attributed to them are also added to the "criminal offence". This has not only increased economic sanctions, but has also opened up the possibility of imposing a prison sentence of up to four years.

In the second place, the process that had to be carried out in the Estella Court, will now be carried out in the Navarre Territorial Court, as received by the EITB in Pamplona. "Criminal Offenses" Require a Ruling from a Higher Judicial Body in the Hierarchy

Thirdly, the ongoing trial has been suspended and the members of Raimundo El Canaster are awaiting a new date.

Solidarity with the team

237 people from the world of music have recently expressed their solidarity with the group.However, beyond the musical panorama, on Wednesday morning, the trial was already set up in front of the Estella courts. #BeffEzDaBeef and veal. Dozens of people came together behind a Freedom of Expression banner.

Musicians in solidarity with Raimundo El Canastro