The monolith dedicated to the brothers David and Mario Álvarez has been destroyed and painted with the colors of the Spanish flag
  • Monoliths erected in tribute to the militants of ETA David and Mario Álvarez Peña, the woman of Mario Barrenetxea Mario and the refugee Sope Iñaki Aurrekoetxea have appeared totally destroyed on the cliff of Barrika. Sortu has issued a statement condemning sexual and sexist aggression.
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The monoliths have been found with the colors of the Spanish flag on the ikurrina, which was completely destroyed and painted on the ground. Sortu publishes a letter on the event and says:

"Some are trying to deny the pain and try to erase the memory of a part of this country," he added. On the contrary, Euskal Herria will not know the true coexistence until all the sufferings are recognized.

Despite the destruction of this monolith, they will not make their memory disappear. The Abertzale left will always keep your memory alive.

In addition, at the moment, we want to send a very strong and warm hug to their relatives and relatives. We will always be by your side!

David Álvarez died in 1978 as a result of a shooting with the Civil Guard near the Lemoiz nuclear power plant, while his brother Mario died in 1981 as one of the bombs he was handling exploded. The monoliths also praised Eli Barrenetxea, Mario's wife. Iñaki Aurrekoetxea Sope, meanwhile, died in Bordeaux in 1996, when he was a refugee, due to an autoimmune disease he had suffered for years.

The monoliths that honoured them had the following appearance before the attacks: