The Euskarabildua Day will provide more information on local data management
  • Through a tertulia led by the informatics Maider Likona, Alexis GuirlĂ©, director of the Izarralde group and Xabier Garmendia, member of the cooperative Abaila, will talk about their projects of local data centers. The local management of the data will also be analyzed at the Euskarabildua Day, which will be held on October 17 at the San Telmo Museum in Donostia.
iametza 2024ko urriaren 10

The location, privacy and management of our data is as important as the level of control or sovereignty over the technology we use. Local data management and care, local data centers, created on a smaller scale, corpus in Basque and those that accumulate information, are needed to generate technology adapted to our needs, work it, value our language, use technology for the benefit of the human being and not the other way around. Initiatives of this kind are emerging in the Basque Country. The StarHost data centre, belonging to the Izarralde group, and the Abaila cooperative of Zumaia, are an example of this.

In the Euskarabildua day, Alexis Guirlé, director of the Izarralde group, and Xabier Garmendia, member of the Abaila cooperative, will be present to explain the details of their projects.

Maider Likona is a computer scientist. In 2005 he created the association that aims to promote free software NAIZ. Subsequently, he created the Bikonet cooperative, in which he currently works as a senior technician. It has a great deal of knowledge in the field of telecommunications infrastructures. Likona, Guirlé and Garmendia will put on the table those issues that really concern users from the knowledge of the topic: How do you pay for the cloud? What would be the cost of creating and maintaining a data centre (or more) that can provide a decent service to people throughout the Basque Country?

What is Euskarabildua?

It is a news conference that aims to bring together Euskera and technology, a space for reflection and dissemination for innovative initiatives that want to influence society, and that offers the possibility of promoting the knowledge and technological innovation applicable in Basque society and in Euskera.

Iametza, Argia and Ametzagaiña jointly organise these conferences since 2012. This year will be held on October 17 at the San Telmo Museum from 09:00 in the morning.