When and where are the masks and shepherds of the coming years?
  • The zuberotars are already determined by the people who will give their shepherds and masks over the next ten years, and the list is dragging on year after year. This month, for example, the neighbours of Lakarri-Altzai have joined. In early March, it was announced in Xiberoko Boza Irratia that the masks were being prepared for 2024, but after a few days it has been announced that they will be delivered in 2025. Regardless of the fact that two years ago the young people of Pagola said they were going to organize the masks of 2024. The young people of Lakarri-Altzai have therefore decided that it is best to delay a year. 2022ko apirilaren 07a
Abdelkader pastorala, Ürrustoi-Larrabile, 2021-07-25. Argazkiak: Amaiur Aristi - Dantzan

When citizens see that there is a group and a desire to do so, they do so in the media to prepare masks or pastoralists. In the same year, more than one people may express their intention to prepare pastors or masks. They then tend to try to reach an agreement and if they fail to do so, it is possible that two peoples will arrange their masks in the same year. In the case of pastoralists, it is usually not so common that two pastoralists will be made in one year, but this is sometimes the case.

The masks of Barkoxe, Barkoxe, 08-01-2021. Photo: Amaiur Aristi - Dance

Here you have the list of people and dates of the masks and shepherds of the coming years:


  • 2023 maule
  • 2024 Pagola
  • 2025 Lakarri-Altzai


  • 2022 Muskildi
  • 2023 Urdiñarbe
  • 2024 Gamere-Zihiga
  • 2025 Barkoxe
  • 2026 Sohüta-Hoki
  • 2027 Zalgize-Iruri
  • 2028 Altzürükü
  • 2029 Aloze
  • 2030 Idauze-Mendi
  • 2031 Lakarri-Altzai