Darpon dimite for the case of Osakidetza leaks
  • The Basque Government Health Advisor, Jon Darpón, has resigned for the fraud of the Osakidetza oppositions.  
ARGIA @argia 2019ko martxoaren 14a
Jon Darpón Osasun sailburua (eskuinetik hasita lehenengoa) eta Iñigo Urkullu EAEko lehendakaria (ezkerretik lehenbizikoa) martxo hasierako agerraldi batean (argazkia: Irekia).

Less than a month ago he said he was not going to leave office because of the election scandal. There are already three people who have resigned to the Congress of Deputies.

The plenary session of the Basque Parliament is scheduled for next Thursday to vote on Darpon’s request for rejection. Elkarrekin Podemos and EH Bildu and pp have confirmed that yes.

Research on ongoing oppositions

We wrote two days ago: the judge has put three doctors under investigation. As far as the three Osakidetza officials in the report presented by the prosecutor are concerned, no decision has been taken at the moment.

Some candidates reported having been scammed at the OPE in Osakidetza last year, and an investigation into the fraud that has been detected was launched. The report presented in February by the Basque Country Attorney General, Carmen Adam, indicated that evidence of crime had been found. Adam suspected eleven specialties and discovered three leading positions in Osakidetza: Deputy Director Xabier Balerdi, former Director of Human Resources Juan Carlos Soto and Director of Health Care Andoni Arzelai will be attended by the doctor.

The Court of Inquiry No. 2 of Vitoria-Gasteiz has opened a court case and has spoken of two crimes: disloyalty in the custody of documents and discovery and disclosure of secrets. So far, he has put under investigation three doctors who are part of the jury of Anesthesiology, Angiology and Space Digestive System, but has not made any decision about those responsible for Osakidetza persecuted by Adam.