Popular movements demand in the dance the answer to the crisis
  • Don't take us away from dancing! The people dancing will never die with the initiative on Saturday in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 07a
Argazkia: Dantzatzen duen herria ez da inoiz hilko

From the first hour of the morning, different citizen movements organized various activities by sectors, in eight different points of the city. The main quote of the day was the demonstration at 13:00 in Bilbao. The protesters travelled the streets of the Alavesa capital between shouting and dances until they reached the Plaza de los Fueros. Pensioners, health workers or young people took part in the final act, among others. “Let’s do dance, yes, but at our pace, free, collective, without excluding anyone, creating liberating letters and notes, sweating the struggle and enjoying. "If you don't dance, it's not my revolution. He was absolutely right. It is true that only the one who moves feels the chains, but only the one who breaks them can break them,” after the latter words of the spokeswoman disguised as the initiative, concluded the act dancing.

Here's the video posted by Halabideo: