The Spanish Army considers it important to control mobiles to combat COVID-19
  • The reopening of COVID-19 in the autumn is very likely, as reported by the Spanish Army in a statement. Although this outbreak is expected to be weaker than in spring, more new cases are also expected to occur in winter. Organizers have stressed the importance of controlling citizens' mobiles in order to better control the pandemic.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko maiatzaren 08a
Espainiako militar bat maskara jantzita. Argazkia: Catalunya Plural.

The Spanish Army says it is preparing for the new situation for "the other two possible appearances" that COVID-19 will have, according to the statement. "Between a year and a year and a half of return to normal," he said, to ensure he will never reach 100% immunity, according to a report from ABC.

As they have pointed out, the most serious problem is that the most serious or dead are concentrated in hospitals and the health system is once again overwhelmed. In this regard, they have stressed the importance of avoiding agglomerations and thus avoiding agglomerations. To this end, they consider it essential to monitor people’s contacts and movements through the mobile app.