How to get the Digital Certificate of the European Union of Covid-19 in Hego Euskal Herria
  • In Hego Euskal Herria it is already possible to obtain the Digital Certificate of the European Union of Covida. With this certificate, from 1 July, the passenger may display the certificate at certain limits and checkpoints and gain free access to travel or access to certain activities. We have checked with several users what the certification process looks like in Navarra and in the CAPV
Sustatu 2021eko ekainaren 11

In Navarra, the possibility to get the certificate is three days a week. The access to the Personal Health Folder of the Health Service will be made by means of a digital signature, in which the user will be able, if necessary, to find the certificate. BeƱat Agirre has taught us theirs and there you have the image above (scratching the digital information).

The certificate is available in three languages, which you can download in PDF format. We believe that this version appears without express request, in English, Spanish and Euskera. There have also been three flags, that of Navarra, that of Spain and that of the European Union.

The coded information is displayed in the QR code and in a long number. We believe that the validation applications of the Certificate will be extended from here until 1 July and that the corresponding, for example, border officials will be able to read this QR code ensuring the accuracy of the data and that the certifying entity is authorised to allocate it. So, travel with a printed PDF or a copy of it on your mobile to open it and allow you to expand your QR code.

In the case of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, yesterday the possibility was opened, and based on our tests carried out the certificate is not available in the Personal Health Folder of Osakidetza, but in another specific service. In fact, we have not been able to access the information from the Osakidetza website, but from the main entrance Well, the explanations are here, and the address to get the certificate is as follows, a cordial applause please to the one who introduced that CitizenWar into the URL:

In order to access it, the digital signature certified by Izenpe is necessary, and with it, what you get is the same PDF as the Navarro document, in three languages and with three flags (in this case the ikurrina).

The Basque Government has announced that for those who do not have an electronic signature it will also be possible to obtain the certificate, both electronically and in person, but at the moment this route has not been activated.

In fact, some with a digital certificate will also have to resort to this additional route, as the certificate does not provide for all options. For example, at CAPV, if you passed Covid-19 last year, if you get the double-shift vaccine this year, they give you a single turn and they tell you that you've completed the schedule. The certificate of the people who have done so indicates that the person has received the 1st of the 2 rounds... Will this be used in border control?