As we have recently known through the press, in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country there are dozens of researchers in direct contact with the virus SARS_CoV-2.
It is known (and recognised by the UPV/EHU) that some of these workers who are in contact with the coronavirus are working at the UPV/EHU.
This situation seems to be based on the lack of inclusion of this personnel in the vaccination strategy by the Spanish Ministry of Health, so these people have been in direct use of the virus for months, without immunization, even among the groups in which vaccines against this disease are being developed.
The coronavirus of acute respiratory syndrome SARS_CoV-2 or 2 is a biological agent classified in group 3, according to Royal Decree 664/1997 on the protection of workers at work from the risks related to exposure to biological agents. This group classifies the biological agents that can generate "serious disease in humans and severe risk to workers, risk of spreading to the community and, in general, prophylaxis or effective treatment".
"The Prevention Service of the UPV/EHU has repeatedly asked the Basque Government's Health Department to incorporate this unincorporated staff (researchers and staff of the PAS of laboratories and services), with a resounding rejection."
According to article 8.3 of the aforementioned Royal Decree 664/1997, "in cases of risk of exposure to biological agents and in cases where effective vaccines exist, they must be made available to workers, informing them of the advantages and disadvantages of the vaccine".
Activities to which the provisions of the same Royal Decree apply include "work carried out in clinical, veterinary, diagnostic and research laboratories". They also exist in the UPV/EHU.
On the other hand, according to LAB, the Prevention Service of the UPV/EHU has on several occasions requested the Health Department of the Basque Government to vaccinate this unincorporated personnel (researchers and staff of the PAS of the laboratories and services), although it has been offered through the Prevention Service of the UPV/EHU to vaccinate this staff.
In addition, the LAB syndicate is aware that some UPV/EHU workers in this coronavirus exposure situation have been vaccinated before the Basque Government decides to carry out vaccination by age groups following irregular vaccinations in the Basurto and Santamarina Hospitals. Therefore, despite belonging to the same risk group in direct relation to the coronavirus, in the UPV/EHU there are people vaccinated against the coronavirus and are not yet vaccinated. Unacceptable situation, according to LAB.
For all these reasons, we require the UPV/EHU Directorate that workers at risk of coronavirus be vaccinated as a priority, in addition to being entitled to all of them, is also a legal obligation of the public university.
The implementation of this measure does not go beyond the political will of the Basque Government and the recognition of the risk that these workers face every day in their jobs.
* Jon Ander Elorriaga and Gabi Elkoroaristizabal are the delegates of Occupational Health of the LAB trade union of the UPV/EHU