Call for climate justice in Bilbao’s protest at the COP28 summit
  • Dozens of actors who have joined the protest have deemed it necessary to address the climate crisis, but have claimed that they need “practical solutions” to deal with its impacts, not “banal declarations”.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko abenduaren 04a
Argazkia: ELA Sindikatua

As part of the COP28 summit in Dubai, the Alliance for Climate Emergencies has called for international mobilisation, which is why various actors have concentrated on Saturday in the Arriaga square in Bilbao. Twenty groups have joined under the motto Before the climate crisis, solutions and not declarations; the ecological groups Sukar Horia, Fridays for Future, Ekologistak Martxan, Extinction Rebelion, Greenpeace and Ecosocial Jump; the unions LAB, ELA, ESK and Steilas; and Border Refugees and Welcome, They call for climate justice for political and economic actors who “play with the planet.”

Actors considered it necessary to address the climate crisis “effectively” and to implement “a just and sustainable eco-social transition for people and the environment”. To this end, they have requested concrete actions and policies from both the municipal governments and the Basque Government and the Government of Spain: “We need practical solutions and not banal expressions.”

Water conservation, pollution reduction, the promotion of climate justice, the fight against economic lobbies and mitigation and adaptation to climate change are some of the concrete measures demanded by the actors. They want to put “the needs of citizens at the centre” and “not the benefits of big business”.