Since Thursday, Guipuzkoan Eduardo Zubiaurre is the new president of Confesbask, replacing Roberto Larrañaga in office. In his first speech as president, he outlined the views and demands of the employers of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
First, Zubiaurre has stressed that the economic situation in the CAV is "very positive" for the Basque Country. Even more positive compared to the economies of the environment. “The economic recovery of the Basque Country is still on the right track,” he said.
The president of Confesbask defended the importance of the 2012 labour reform in a situation he considers positive. This reform “made the labour market more flexible”, according to Zubiaurre, providing companies with adaptive capabilities in a “changing context of deep crisis”. It has also attacked a new labour reform that limits this "flexibility". Reform would not, in his view, help create jobs and create "uncertainty" among employers, who could reach agreements.
Neoliberal agenda
In his speech, Zubiaurre outlined the challenges facing the economy and the proposals to address them. He has called for the need to “create, attract and maintain” talent, making companies more “attractive” for it. He stressed the importance of maintaining "institutional stability in the Basque Country" and called for "more competitive" taxation for entrepreneurs. In this sense, it has been against "higher" social contributions, as they "enlarge" hiring. Among the priorities is also the end of the Basque Y and the payment of energy at a cheaper price.
Recognition of employers in the face of confrontation
The new president of Confesbask said that there are trade unions that are driving the confrontation between employers and employers. Faced with this, he has advocated for other types of industrial relations: “Modern, adapted to the new times, that will leave behind the model of confrontation.” Zubiaurre has called for “greater social recognition” for entrepreneurs for their “clear contribution to the development of people in the country and its people”.
“More social recognition needs to be given to businessmen and women for their clear contribution to the development of the country and its people” E.Zubiaurrek @Confesbask today URL1)
— Confesbask (@Confesbask) July 18, 2019