Bake Bidea denounces what happened to Colonna and the "indifference" of Paris with Basque prisoners
  • Bake Bidea has shown solidarity with the family of the Corso prisoner Yvan Colonna, who has just died. As with Corsican prisoners, the association denounces the "indifference, contempt and silence" of the French Government for Basque prisoners.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko martxoaren 24a
Martxoaren 24ko prentsaurrekoa, Yvan Colonnaren heriotza dela eta (Argazkia: Bake Bidea)

"Another departure would have been possible if the rights of this prisoner [Colonna] had been guaranteed. His physical integrity would have been respected if he had come to a prison in Corsica, as his family and himself requested. Another solution would have been possible if the French State had agreed to deal politically with the issue of Corsican prisoners, respecting the proclamation of the majority of Corsica". However, Bake Bidea has denounced that, in the face of the demands of the corsicans, there has been a "dramatic" accident in the area. Lehendakari recently appeared in Baiona to announce his reading of the death of Yvan Colonna, who died last Saturday. As could not be otherwise, they have talked about the situation of the Basque political prisoners, making Jakes Esnal and Jon Parot known.

In this peace process and in the case of political prisoners, they have criticised the "silence" of the French State: "Their indifference and inaction have expressed all their contempt for the forces that have been made from Basque society and from Basque society. Because Basque society makes great efforts to advance the peace process, to remember, time and again, that it is essential to resolve the issue of prisoners. We remember once again that these two prisoners are over 71 years old and will be serving 32 years in prison."

Despite the fact that the judge on the application of convictions has on several occasions agreed to his requests for freedom, the prosecutor has asked for a systematic extension of the prison time of Parot and Esnal. The danger is there and they have warned: "If the French Government leaves the situation at the expense of spending time, we will not allow the solution to be tragic."

The members of Bake Bidea have reiterated that they will continue along the path of civil disobedience against this "injustice" and to unblock the situation. The next appointment will take place on 2 April, at 09:30 hours, in Hazparne and Urruña. They have also appealed to the public to attend the demonstration.

Messages of solidarity from Euskal Herria

The left-wing Abertzale coalition, EH Bai, has also organised a demonstration for Saturday in Bilbao: The march will take place at 15:00 in the Plaza de San Andrés de Baiona.

Students of the Etxepare Lyceum, Sortu, Socialist Council, Ernai, LAB, Xuti Gazte! The new movement, the Etxerat Association, Komite Internazionalistak, Sare Antifaxista and many other Euskal Herria agents are receiving the support of Yvan Colonna.