Chivit is committed to seeking “broad consensus” to “face the challenges” in Navarra
  • He stresses that plurality “enriches” society and that it will support it “from integration, not from division”.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko abenduaren 04a
2023ko Nafarroako Urrezko Domina emateko ekitaldian, Urrutiko Hezkuntzarako Unibertsitate Nazionalean. / Argazkia:

The President of the Government of Navarre, María Chivite, defended the importance of social diversity and committed herself to seeking broad agreements to address the priority needs of the inhabitants of Navarre, she said In the award ceremony of the Gold Medal of Navarra 2023, the Spanish University of Distance Education (UNED) has focused on the current political situation.

Chivit stressed that diversity “enriches society” and called for its support. He also points out that he will seek “broad consensus” to address the most important issues for citizenship. Among other things, it underlines the commitment to establish agreements with institutions and society to meet the challenges of industry, employment, housing, education, primary health care, protection of vulnerable people and equality.

It also stressed the “importance of progress” of coexistence and called for greater self-government within the constitutional framework. It calls on the inhabitants of Navarre to help improve the position of Navarre as a region of higher quality of life.