Casting deia for a television program in Euskera
  • The local television of Kanaldude Baja Navarra has recently renewed its website and has managed to expand its broadcasting, and now they will try another interesting milestone: A mus competition organized in the form of television broadcasting. Looking for a couple have called an open casting for the Basque Country and the diaspora.
Sustatu 2023ko maiatzaren 12a

Couples are sought for this casting. The conditions are being Euskaldun and being over 18 years old, living in the Basque Country or in the diaspora. They also require a good level of mus, and from the point of view of the offer the cause of a local association can be promoted through a competition. In fact, the prizes, even if they are economic, would be for this association.

To send your data and video presentation, you can do it to They ask that a video be sent, presenting each one and describing the association you have chosen and why you have chosen. Among those who write, gender parity will be the default in choice.

CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS (The winner will be for the chosen association)

  • First place € 3,000
  • Second place 1,500 €

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