The Altsasuarra writer Castillo Suarez has been named a member of the Basque Language Academy
  • Castillo Suárez replaces Patxi Zabaleta at the Academy of Euskera. Now, the new member of the Basque Language Academy has a period of eight months to present an introductory conference.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 30
Argazkilaria: Enara Intsausti

On Friday, Euskaltzaindia appointed the new Basque Language Academy at the plenary session held in the Parliament of Navarra. The members of the Basque Language Academy have voted to fill the gap that has arisen as a result of the emeritus of Patxi Zabaleta and Castillo Suárez has obtained the absolute majority required by the Euskaltzaindia Regulation. The other candidate, Paula Kasares, rejects the candidature before voting.

At the plenary session held on 21 May 2022 at the Baztan City Hall, the Academy appointed Patxi Zabaleta, a member of the Academy’s number. In order to be emeritus, the number of academics must be 75 years old. At the same meeting, the deadline for nominations was opened.

Now, Castillo Suárez will have a period of eight months for the Altsasu Scholar to prepare the entrance conference and will have the same deadline for the member of the Academy who has to make a response letter to prepare the suyo.Posteriormente an act of reception will take place.

Bachelor of Basque Philology, Castillo Suárez is a Basque Technician of the Local Administration. He has written mainly works of poetry: Souvenir (2008, Elkar), Birthday Party (2012, Elkar), Iraunera (2019, Elkar) and Elurra on snow (2022), among others. In addition, he collaborates with various media, including the ARGIA speaker. Lately he has also left some specimens in the children's literature, including Ebelina Mandarina (Erein, 2010). It has a blog about literature:Iparralde girl. He has received several literary awards and some of his texts have been translated into different languages (Spanish, French, English, German, Catalan, Galician…). He has been a member of the Euskaltzaindia Development Commission since 2016 and a member of the Euskaltzaindia Development Commission since 2021.

From 1918 to 2022, 96 academics of number?

Currently, Euskaltzaindia consists of 22 whole members, 10 emeritus academics, 145 prestigious academics and 65 honorary academics. 96 entire members of Euskaltzaindia have been appointed by the Academy since 1918.

The list of academics of current number, twenty-two, fourteen men and eight women, is as follows: Sagrario Aleman, Adolfo Arejita, Aurelia Arkotxa, Bernardo Atxaga, Miren Azkarate, Miren Agur Meabe, Jean-Baptiste Coyos, Patxi Goenaga, Roberto González de Viñaspre, Jabier Kaltzakorta, Joseba Lakarra, Alfontzalta

And here are the ten emeritus scholars of today: Andoni Sagarna, Jean-Louis Davant, Andrés Iñigo, Xabier Kintana, Xarles Videgain, Patxi Zabaleta, José Luis Lizundia, Txomin Peillen, Patxi Uribarren and Ibon Sarasola.