Request to CAF's address: "Do not conquer Israel's apartheid"
  • Faced with the CAF shareholders’ meeting on 13 June, the BDS movement launched a complaint campaign against the Light Rail project in Jerusalem. Thanks to this project, "Israel will be able to continue annexing the occupied Palestinian territory".
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 02a
Kanpainaren afixa. Argazkia: BDS Argazkia: BDS

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has denounced on its website the involvement of the Basque company in the violation of Palestinian human rights, taking advantage of the annual meeting of shareholders to be held by CAF on 13 June. Israel has warned of its "will to annex" the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and that the company is participating in the tramway project that reinforces "illegal colonies" in these stolen territories.

In addition, he recalled that the CAF shareholders’ meeting and the Zionist government’s announcement that a significant part of the occupied Palestinian West Bank will be officially annexed from 1 July are synchronised.

The campaign is already underway

The campaign, which has the motto "Get rid of the Israeli apartheid train", aims to paralyse the plans for the construction of the railways. To this end, they have promoted the hashtag #CAFJaitsiZaitez of Israel, the massive sending of emails to the company and the collection of signatures.

Train of apartheid

The BDS has recalled that the light train in Jerusalem connects the illegal colonies with West Jerusalem, which under international law is a war crime. Shapir, CAF’s Israeli partner in the light rail project in Jerusalem, has been included in the list of companies accompliced by violations of international law and has recommended that relations with it be cut off.