The three ships of the CAF plant stop their activity due to asbestos contamination
  • The pollution of asbestos has occurred following the dismantling work carried out on the eighth nave of the fourth division and the result of the measurement has been higher than legally permitted. Four of the six samples taken from the workers tested positive.
A. Vierbücher Goierriko Hitza @goierriHitza 2023ko irailaren 01
Amiantoaren biktimen aldeko apirilean egin zen manifestazioa irudian.

Three ships from the fourth division of the CAF plant at Beasain are closed because environmental measurements are not correct after the asbestos removal on the eighth vessel. The level of air asbestos is higher than legally permitted. Four of the six samples taken from staff were positive. The CAF Works Council has expressed concern about ‘the safety and health of workers’. The Company Directorate informs the Committee that ‘all three ships shall be thoroughly cleaned before returning to work’.

According to information sources, last Wednesday, 23rd, last holiday, in the late afternoon, the management of the company informed the Works Committee that the following day, on 24 June, the people working on the 8th ship of the fourth division of the Beasain plant could not go to work, since there was a trace of this material that was so harmful to health in that ship, once asbestos was removed. The result of the measurements was higher than legally permitted.

Given the seriousness of the matter, representatives of workers and managers of the company met at a first meeting, in which the Works Council called for ‘new measurements, additional measures for ships 7 and 9 and safety and control measures for subcontracted workers for cleaning’. The committee also put on the table the possibility of suspending the activity to ensure the health of all people in the workshop.

For the company, the response received by the workers’ representatives was that they ‘were coordinated with Osalan and respected all the instructions and protocols’.

More measurements

Concerned about the health of all workers, the Works Committee requested further measurements, such as sampling of workers and analysis of dust at different points in the workshops, which met with the Directorate. Workers’ representatives have denounced that the company ‘refused’ to carry out these tests on its part.

At the same time, the Works Council contacted Osalan to “raise concerns and disagreements regarding certain measures”. Osalan told them he “knew what happened and was in contact with the company.”

Finally, the management of the company informed the committee on Tuesday, 7 in the coming days, for having given four positive samples to the workers of ship eight. All staff in ships 8 and 9 cannot go to work until thorough cleaning.

Request for staff

Faced with this, the Works Council has denounced that ‘the management of the company has prioritised production over the safety of workers’, as well as Osalan’s ‘lapse’, and has called for ‘the dismissal of the highest responsible for the situation’. They will also look at the judicial route. In addition, they call for the recognition of the risk of all the workers who have been in these ships and for the non-return to work to guarantee 100% of the safety of the areas.