The City of Cadiz will charge the Church a tax for premises not intended for worship
  • It will charge the Catholic Church the invoices of the Real Estate Tax for the premises it does not have for its worship, such as homes, garages and other premises. Buildings for worship and education, i.e. parishes, churches and educational establishments, are excluded from this measure.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko martxoaren 23a
Cadizeko katedralaren plaza. Argazkia: Wikimedia.

In Cadiz, Frente Cádiz, which runs the municipal government, has pointed out that all administrations and institutions are going to make a great effort to deal with the situation caused by the coronavirus and the economic consequences that may arise. For this reason, it has considered it necessary that the Church also join this effort by contributing part of what it receives for the management of its properties in the capital of Cadiz.

The news has been disseminated by the Chain Being through the Chain Being. The radio station has found the 2012 reference to calculate the total aid it has received. A 2012 study reveals that the cadastral value of the properties in the Catholic Church of Cadiz was around €17.5 million. It was therefore up to him to pay EUR 200,000 per year. However, it should be taken into account that this issue includes churches, parishes, cathedral and educational centers. In other words, the amount that the City Hall would receive would be much smaller.