The court suspended the sentence of imprisonment of the convicted ertzaina in the Cabacas case
  • The Audience of Bizkaia has decided to suspend for two years the execution of the sentence of two years in prison imposed on the Ertzaintza agent sentenced to the death of the young person. According to the resolution, the arrested person will be executed if the convicted ertzaina Juan José de Pablo infringes the law in the next two years, which will allow his precautionary suspension.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 20a
Argazkia: eitb.

The journalist Igor Susaeta has been in charge of producing the news in Berria, and the summary of it is as follows:

In November 2018, the Audience of Bizkaia sentenced De Pablo to two years in prison and four years in prison, a penalty that was confirmed by the Supreme Court last January, on charges of "serious wrongful death".

Journalist Susaeta pointed out that the Court of Bizkaia gave three reasons for the annulment of the sentence. On the one hand, he was convicted of ‘murder by recklessness’, not for intentional crime. “This relativizes the intensity of criminal conduct,” says Judge Reyes Goenaga Olaizola in the car. On the other hand, the judge has specified that De Paul's wife has recently died and that she has a child in common. These circumstances would make his incarceration ‘particularly difficult’. And the third reason is his ‘trajectory’ as a policeman, without it being recorded that he has been ‘in similar situations’ that led him to be convicted. The Second Section of the Bizkaia Hearing considers that the execution of the sentence is not ‘necessary’.