For three days Oiartzun will become a meeting point for transformative projects focused on sovereignty and eco-social transition
  • From 17 to 19 October, Oiartzun Burujab and Udalbiltza organised a conference under the name of Soberanias. In addition to learning about the local transformative experiences, the Mayor of Girona, Lluc Salellas, and the former Cup parliamentarian, Mireia Vehí, will participate in conferences.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2024ko urriaren 10
'Burujabetzak' jardunaldiaren aurkezpenean izan ziren: Haritz Alberdi eta Clara Rouget Udalbiltzako lehendakaria eta zuzendaria hurrenez hurren; Olaia Lasa Oiartzungo zinegotzia eta Agustin Lekuona alkatea; eta Iker Sarriegi eta Naiara Retegi burujabetzen alde lanean ari diren herritarrak. Udalbiltza

“It will be an opportunity to learn about projects from the perspective of popular construction and transformative municipal construction”, as the representatives of Oiartzun Burujab and Udalbiltza speak about the Burujabak project to be developed in Oiartzun from 17 to 19 October. For those days, meetings have been organized to get to know and reflect on different experiences, but also on Saturday you will be able to enjoy the concerts and the musical performances that will take place.

Oiartzun arrives with the relay of the Hernani days, organized in collaboration with Udalbiltza. The aim is for the oiartzuarras to commit themselves to the so-called “country pact”, since the Oiartzun Burujabe initiative has just begun in this village.

Oiartzun took over last year's days by Hernani Burujab, in collaboration with Udalbiltza. The aim is for the oiartzuarras to commit themselves to the so-called “country pact”, since the Oiartzun Burujabe initiative recently started in this town: “We saw it important to organize days in the people themselves to make known and value the projects that are underway,” said Councilor Olaia Lasa.

Events and conferences will be held in the morning and afternoon hours, in an open manner, although to participate in some of them it will be necessary to register.

Public Cooperatives, Lack of growth, State...

This Thursday, among other things, Olatukoop will talk about the cooperatives of the Basque Country and Navarre and about their situation. In addition, the experiences of Elika, Labore and Arraztalo, which are underway in Oiartzun, or that of the Ixambre cooperative of Artieda (Aragon), will be available.

The eco-social transition will be one of the main axes of the days. To do this, he will have the presence of the mayor of Girona, Lluc Salellas, who will explain the steps taken in this city towards growth. On the other hand, Elena Herrarte will talk about the Debagoiena 2030 project, which will address transitions at the local level.

In Girona a tourist growth platform has been created and the City Hall has approved a plan for de-escalation and eco-social transition, which will be explained by the mayor, Lluis Salellas, in Oiartzun. Platform Decreixement Turístic Girona

On Friday, October 18, the former mayor of Errenteria and lawyer Julen Mendoza and the mayor of Hernani Xabier Lertxundi will analyze the scope of public policies and participation. And that same day, former CUP parliamentarian Mireia Vehí will also be in the afternoon, together with the professor of the University of Barcelona Bertie Russel, in the program “From the Municipality to the Statuary”.

Concerts on Emancipation Day

This Saturday is celebrated in Oiartzun the Day of Emancipation. At the sectoral tables the participants will analyse the challenges ahead and at the end a photo will be taken to symbolise the “country pact”.

But the party is only going to start, because then a popular meal and music concerts have been organized. Besides the afternoon performances of the local groups Yacvlev 42 and Zurrounk, in the evening will also play Zea Mays to give a round end to the day.