Many headaches in the CAV Department of Education
  • The Basque Government likes to show that the decisions it makes have the consensus of the actors involved, but the Department of Education has had to reject two short-term projects for criticism received: Herenegun programme and proposal of school canteens. The Basque Education Act is still complicated, as is school segregation, and it will soon have to give explanations in the Basque Parliament for the irregularities detected in the financing of vocational training.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2019ko martxoaren 13a

In April Herenegun planned to launch the teaching unit that covers the period 1960-2018. But the Department of Education has finally decided, for lack of consensus, to delay the programme against the whole opposition and to open a phase of reflection.

In January, Cristina Uriarte made a new announcement: from the next course, the parents' associations of the CAV could directly manage the dining room service of the center. The news has been criticized for the unilateral decision to set up a table to talk about the school dining model and for imposing all responsibility on parents without specifying the help and resources needed. Given the reactions that are taking place, the Department of Education has also had to postpone the decision of the Basque Government.

Cristina Uriarte has more open fronts. Last October he presented in Parliament the document to push forward the CAV’s Education Bill, but, once again, they have denounced the low participation of educational actors and the error in the document is reflected in key issues such as funding, teacher stabilization or measures to overcome school segregation. It should be noted that the Basque Government rejected the bill presented by the Zubiak Eraikiz platform to deal with school segregation, arguing that the issue would be dealt with in the Education Act.

On the other hand, EH Bildu has called on the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, and the Vice-Minister of Vocational Training, Jorge Arévalo, to give explanations in Parliament about possible irregularities in the financing of Vocational Training in an article published in ARGIA. The Department of Education is accumulating works for the home.