Jean-Rene Etxegarai, Mayor of Baiona
"I will continue with all my strength for the peace process"
  • Jean-Rene Etxegarai will be mayor of Baiona for another six years. With 53.81% of the votes scrutinized, it was imposed on the first round of voting. He has linked victory to bringing a unifying message. It will have to be seen whether or not he will now maintain his struggle to retain the seat of the President of the Commonwealth of Iparralde. The vote will take place on 17 July.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2020ko ekainaren 29a
Etxegaraik irabazi ditu hauteskundeak berriro Baionan. (Dani Blanco)

He won the elections. How do you value victory?

With great joy. The result is clear, trust has been shown to me by the Bayonese of all political tendencies; as for the work carried out for six years in Baiona and in the Basque Country, the support is clear. They have been hard choices, because we have had a health crisis since the first round. The three or four months that have passed I have focused on that and not on the second round. In recent weeks, yes, it has been an intense campaign, but I think the difference of view between the two lists, in this city and in our territory, has become clear.

In 2014 he won only 26 votes more than Etxeto. This time it's over a thousand. How do you analyze this evolution?

Winning with 26 votes makes you humble, but winning with more than a thousand votes does not make me more proud and I remain humble. Knowing the historical, cultural, religious and sociological pluralism of this city, it is evident that nothing is possible without being conciliatory.

In the BBE group Baiona Berdea and Elkarkidea, as well as among the nationalists, there has been a hard debate on the Etxeto meeting in the second round. How have you seen it from the outside?

I have a great deal of respect for the voters and, of course, for the members of Baiona Berdea and Elkarkidea. When I learned that the BBE chose not to present itself in the second round, I thought we would lose a representation of the Abertzale world, which has been very well secured by Jean Claude Iriarte, one of the building and continuing voters. With the decision taken, it was a parallelism between the two candidates and I believe that it was not a struggle between the left and the right, but between the Socialist Party and the Communist Party and everyone else.

You have six years of responsibility again. What are your priorities?

I want to bring a new look at public policies. This health crisis has put things at the starting point and I do not see the future of Baiona and Iparralde as before COVID-19. We will have to organize, because we are going to suffer a tremendous economic and social crisis. These social and economic situations will guide public policies. The spirit of solidarity must guide us.

Imprisoned Mikel Barrios, repeatedly denied parole to Jakes Esnal… the situation is harsh.

Tomorrow (29 June), Mikel Barrios will be imprisoned and I will be in Mont de Marsan to support and denounce the situation. I will continue with my head high and with the hard work for the peace process. We have gone ahead. Two steps later, another step back, the peace process is very complex and we have to act with a great deal of humility. The French Government is standing by, has taken steps forward, but today the situation is blocked. The imprisonment of Mikel Barrios really saddens me, and it seems to me that in the peace process we are genuinely regressing. I say this out loud and I also address the message to the French Government.

Before the second round, you didn't know if you were to introduce yourself to the presidency of the Commonwealth of Iparralde. Has it been clarified after the elections are over?

I don't know yet. I've just known the results of the city and right now I'm looking at the Bayonese. As for the Commonwealth of Iparralde, tomorrow I will see it, I will have to share the reflection with the elect of Ipar Euskal Herria. In any event, I will continue to be an active agent, whether I be President or not.