Eighteen people trying to migrate are drowned in a truck in Bulgaria
  • 40 migrant people have been found inside the abandoned truck in a false compartment. They're 15 to 25 years old and look like Afghans.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2023ko otsailaren 21a

There has been another massacre in migratory flows. In a rural Bulgarian area, about 50 young migrants are left behind in an illegal and hidden truck. Migrant smugglers reportedly fled and left the moving people trapped in the truck there. According to various Bulgarian media, traffickers fled when they realized that some of the migrants had died.

In the vehicle, 40 people were hidden under a load of wood in a false compartment. The Bulgarian emergency services found the truck with eighteen deaths and another fourteen in critical condition. Twelve other very good people were found outside the truck.

There are signs of suffocation and hypothermia in people trapped in the truck. The Bulgarian authorities claim that they have not had food or drink for several days and that they have wounds in their bodies for reasons not yet clarified.

The migrants traveling on this truck are men between the ages of 15 and 25 who look like Afghans. Its aim may be to move from the border between Turkey and Bulgaria to Serbia.