Brian CURRIN's contact group dissolves after completing its work in the Basque Country
  • The International Contact Group (ICG), led by Brian CURRIN, has announced that it has completed its work, understanding that much of the task entrusted to it has been accomplished. Naiz has anticipated that next week the work of the band will be valued for the end of the armed conflict in Euskal Herria.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 09a
Brian Currin aurtengo maiatzean, ETAren amaiera ostean Kanboko Arnaga jauregian egin zen ekitaldian, atzean Jean-Rene Etxegarai Euskal Elkargoko lehendakaria duela (argazkia: Dani Blanco).

The International Contact Group was launched in 2011 with the aim of “streamlining, facilitating and making possible political normalization in the Basque Country”. This Tuesday, the group has announced that it will complete its work on the understanding that most of its mandate has been fulfilled.

Next week, from 16 to 18 October, three members of the group will be in Euskal Herria to take stock of the situation of Basque society. Brian Currin, Alberto Spektorowski and Raymond Kendall will be in charge of representing the group.

As Naiz has published, HNT has already made an advance of this balance: “We have tried to help Basque society on the road to peace and conflict resolution. To do so, we have been to Euskal Herria on several occasions, we have held numerous meetings and we have had discreet talks with the main political actors. We have also been able to participate at decisive moments on this road to peace, such as the 2011 Aiete Conference and the recent dissolution of ETA in May 2018.”

This HNT decision follows the dissolution of the International Verification Commission, chaired by Ram Manikkalingam.