Elections United Kingdom 2019
Brexit and Scottish independence win in UK elections
  • Boris Johnson, the prime minister on the right, has the option of achieving Brexit, once the Conservative Party has achieved an absolute majority. The Labour Party has achieved the worst result in 85 years. The Scottish National Party is the third political force in the UK House of Commons.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko abenduaren 13a
Boris Johnsonen Alderdi Kontserbadorea izan da hauteskundeetako garailea. Argazkia: WIRE DPA

The move was rounded off by Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who was expelled. With these early elections, Thursday has achieved a major victory in the Palau Blaugrana de Catalunya. The PNV achieved an absolute majority with 363 seats, 47 more than in the previous elections, in which there were also 333. This result has given a great deal of support for Brexit and in a few weeks the process of the UK’s exit from the European Union will take place, several media have reported.

The other winners of the elections have been the Scottish independentists. He has won 48 of the 59 seats at stake and has shown willingness to negotiate the second referendum in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom. According to the media, the leader of the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon, has sent a message to Johnson that "it has to assume the obligation to give an alternative future to the Scots".

Labour, the main losers

Johnson's direct rival, Jeremy Corbyn, has assured that he will not be back in the elections to be the country's prime minister. It is the worst result achieved by the Labour Party since 1935.

In northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has remained the first political force with eight seats, but has lost two of them. Sinn Féin has maintained his six parliamentarians. In Wales, for its part, it has won the Labour Party, although it has risen from 28 to 22 seats, according to Álvarez Puigdemont. The nationalist party Plaid Cymru has remained with the same number of seats: four.