He studies at Diwan schools. They have the legal possibility of doing the only test of the bass in Breton, of the geography of history, but this year 15 students decided that they would also do the math in Breton.
Your initiative resonates. 15 students took the math test in Breton.
Yes, we asked the rectorate for a special permit to pass mathematics in Breton. We've only received no, no way out. Since the things we really wanted to get ahead and were automatic denials in front of us, there was not even room for conversation. So we decided to do it in Breton.
It seems that in the past years some students have done it, but this year there were 15 of you in the group.
I think each of them had thought about it separately throughout the year, but without specifying too much. Three weeks before the bass began, we began to talk about what could be done to change things for us and for generations to come. We reflected, we discussed and we voted. 15 of us were ready to pass the mathematics in Breton. I suppose all the other high school students support us, but not all of them wanted to take the risk.
In fact, the bass is essential for going to university, among other things. Are you willing to take the risk of failure?
We knew the danger and we were ready to take it. You have to consider what is most important. It’s true that I don’t want to repeat the year at all, but on the other hand I really want things to go forward so that the language has a more important place. It's nothing we ask for! Just a low-level test, knowing that there are correctors for it. We want to introduce Breton into public life.
Do you have support?
Oh, yeah, yeah. We held a press conference to announce what we did and we have the support of Breton artists, as well as political support - such as the president of the region, Loïg Chesnais-Girard. We have support from everyone, I also have support at home... On the other hand, a collection of nominations for our copies to be corrected was launched on the Internet and 11,000 signatures were collected for a week (it now exceeds 13,000). There are people from the liver and it strengthens our action because it shows that there is a desire to develop the language.
With Brebeta we have seen the response of the rectorate in the Basque Country and Brittany.
In our case we run the risk of collecting a zero, but we don’t know more about what will happen now. But I think it would be important to build bridges between the Basque Country and Brittany, because the fight is the same. I hope that things will move, that things will change, and that the Rectorates of Bordeaux and Roazhon will understand that evolution must be done with “diminished” languages.
One last word?
Since we took action, I have heard that we have had the influence of parents and teachers... This observation condemns us a lot because we have really been reflecting and we have been organizing everything between us for three weeks.
This interview has been published by Palabra del País Vasco Norte and we have brought it to you thanks to the Creative Commons license.