The Basque College will establish guarantees for the correction of the examination of those performing the Breb in Basque Country
  • The Basque College will give Seaska a public seat for the correction of the examinations of students who decide to perform the beta in Euskera, in order for the teachers of the ikastolas to correct their enemies. Studies carried out in Euskera will not have an academic but symbolic impact.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 21
Argazkia: Mediabask

As explained in, Seaska teachers will have a headquarters following the usual educational procedure to be able to correct copies of the tests. The Brebeta will be held on 30 June and 1 July, and the amendments will be hosted by the teachers on 5 July.

As a result, about 250 students divided into four colleges in Seaska will be able to take the Science exam in Basque, if they so decide.

But this agreement will have no academic impact. The old demand of the students, teachers and parents of Seaska is that Brebeta and the Lower can be made in Basque, but the French Government has not authorised it. The claim, converted into mobilization, has occupied the Bayona Inspectorate for four days, but has not been answered either from the Bordeaux Rectorate or from the Paris Ministry of Education.