Announcements of five wind power plants in a single day in the Government magazine
  • The Basque Government has reported in one day in the Official Gazette several requests for five wind power plants, both for prior administrative authorisation and for requesting an environmental impact statement. Two are for projects in Gipuzkoa and three for infrastructures that are to be carried out at different points in Bizkaia. In the Commissions, the population has submitted 2,500 claims to the halting of the macro-wind project in the Artzentales area.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko abenduaren 15a
Oletako lepo inguruan kokatu nahi dute zentral eolikoetako bat.

The official newsletter of the Basque Country comes loaded with wind adverts this Friday. The Territorial Industry Delegations of the Basque Government, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia have now made announcements to start or continue processing, but some of the projects of these infrastructures have already been known by the promoters.

In the case of Gipuzkoa, in the vicinity of Mount Trekutz, between Urretxu and Antzuola Cilda Energy, S.L., a company of the multinational group Capital Energy, wants to install two 5 MW wind mills and build a four-kilometre underground power line, with a total cost of more than EUR 10 million. To this end, the company has applied for environmental impact authorisation and the Government has made this request public.

Also in Gipuzkoa, in the foothills of the Oleta collado, which would affect Azkoitia, Azpeitia, Zumarraga and Ezdox-Itsaso, they want to build another wind power plant. In this case, Green Capital is responsible for approving the environmental impact statement. This plant would have 4 turbines of 5 MW and would be connected to an underground line of more than five kilometers, with a budget of 20 million euros.

"The territory of the Commissions has been chosen in a very broad process of energy colonialism and financial speculation, with the consensus of the administration, where large companies green the expoliation of natural resources"

In Bizkaia you can read in the Official Gazette the announcements of the other three wind plants to request prior administrative authorization: the one affecting the municipal terms of Zeberio, Galdakao, Bedia e Igorre, of the company Ferosca Wind, S.L., with 6 windmills; another between Gorliz and Lemoiz, requested by a company called Wind. for the installation of 5 windmills; and another plant between Bakio, Maruri-Jatabe and Mungia, requested by the same company Mendia Wind, but in this case 8.

3,000 claims in the Orders against Macro-Wind

Makroeoliko Ez offers 3,000 claims for the Alen-Mello wind plant project affecting the lands of Artzentales, Sopuerta, Galdames, Muskiz, Zalla and Güeñes.

The company Euskal Haizie, S.L. wants to install a giant infrastructure in the area and the platform has shown its rejection: "Against the industrialization of the mountains and for the benefit of the big capitals, against the macro-renewable model that impoverishes the population of the territories".

Concentration of the Non-Macrowind platform in the Commissions at the time of submission of claims. Photo: Not macrowind.

They also denounce that the municipalities concerned have not taken steps beyond the symbolic declarations and warn that the platform will continue its activity. "The territory of the Commissions has been chosen in a very broad process of energy colonialism and financial speculation, with the consensus of the administration, where large companies green the expoliation of natural resources," he explains.