Five people will be judged by the eviction of the feminist space Talka
  • According to feminist collective Talka, Adolfo Domínguez will bring five of his neighbours to trial on 30 November in connection with the eviction of the space occupied in May. A photo of solidarity with the deceased, who died in an occupational accident, will be taken on Monday.
Arabako Alea @ArabakoALEA 2020ko azaroaren 25a
Talka espazio feminista maiatzaren 15ean desalojatu zuen Ertzaintzak. / ALEA

Five residents of the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz will be tried on Monday, November 30, for an alleged crime of usurpation against the eviction of the feminist space Talka in May. On the same day of the trial, Talka called for a photo of solidarity, on Monday 30, at 19:00 in the Machete Square.

In addition, from Talka they have denounced that the eviction occurred "without a court order", with "a confinement that avoided solidarity and denunciation", they have denounced.

In December 2019, Talka members occupied the premises of Adolfo Domínguez, who had been empty for at least a decade. In a statement, they explained that they opted for the occupation of this site with the aim of "denouncing the corruption, speculation and gentrification that the City Council has authorized in the Casco Viejo".

As you have pointed out, Adolfo Domínguez himself acknowledged in several media outlets that he managed to "treat his behalf" with the City Hall to agree to the sale of some premises in the Casco Viejo. However, there is currently no public information about this sale, although it is owned by the City Hall, so it would be mandatory to publish it in the Official Bulletin of the Historical Territory of Álava (BOTHA).

In the last three years, Talka Kolektiboa Feminist has occupied two premises of the Casco Viejo: the first, the Alava-Velasco Palace, in December 2018; after eviction, in December 2019 they entered number 33 of Correría Street.

"You're judging a way of living in the neighborhood and defending the neighborhood, because you can't live in the neighborhood without defending the neighborhood," they said. "We will continue to seek collective responses to individual needs and build legitimacy beyond capitalist legality," added lehendakari.