After five months without payment, Bizkaia Post employees start an indefinite strike
  • Cleanings J. subcontracted for cleaning by post The workers of the company Córdoba have denounced that they have been without pay for five months and have decided to go on an indefinite strike for not having taken measures to remedy the situation. Among other things, Correos calls for the inclusion of the service because they are precarious working conditions of the subcontracted company.
Hiruka .eus Iker Rincon Moreno 2023ko azaroaren 03a
ESKren argazkia.

Workers denounce Cleanings J. Cordoba took over the post cleaning service last December and since then weekly mobilizations have been carried out due to the delay in the perception of its payroll or directly due to non-payment. Instead of fixing the situation, they regret that they still do not receive the extra payroll and pay for the month of July, nor the salaries of August, September and October. They say that they have done their best to resolve the situation, but that there has been no dialogue or negotiation, either with the subcontracted company or with the post office. "Therefore, in this situation, we are going on an indefinite strike to defend our rights, until this is resolved," they stressed on 30 October.

The ESK trade union explained that it is "impossible" for a company with a public contract that moves more than EUR 24 million to leave its workers unpaid: "Post is paying the cleaning company, it's public money and so we demand accountability."

The workers who go on strike stress that they are Post Workers, even if they are in a subcontract, so Correos claims that it is time to internalize the service and leave it in the hands of the "pirate company". "These companies only seek to make the most of public money, at the expense of the precariousness of the working conditions of the workers and the service", they stress.