Five men are detained in Tudela for sexual assault
  • The five men are arrested on Saturday night. Four have been detained in the streets, after the neighbors have told the police "strange behaviors" with the girl, and the fifth after the girl has reported the attack.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 21
Tuteran egin zen sexu erasoen aurkako manifestazioa. Argazkia: EITB.

After being arrested, the young woman reported that four men had retouched and the fifth had been a sexual assailant. The last one is the only one she knew. Five men deny the allegations and will pass before the judge on Monday to take the case.

The Municipal Police of Tudela and the Foral Police investigate what happened.

Three more men arrested in Tudela for machista violence

A 37-year-old man is arrested in Tudela after being denounced by his wife. Another 46-year-old man is arrested on charges of the same.

In addition, a woman alleges that her 31-year-old son has been beaten and is arrested on charges of ill-treatment.