Five Basque political prisoners arrive in Euskal Herria and approach two
  • Unai Bilbao, Ibai Beobide, Igor Portu, Joanes Larretxea and Andoni Goikoetxea are located in the prisons of Araba, Gipuzkoa, Navarra and Bizkaia, respectively. Mikel Azurmendi and Manex Castro have been transferred to El Dueso.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 12a
Martuteneko espetxera lekualdatu dituzte euska preso politikoetako bi. Argazkia:

ETXERAT has announced the movements of Basque political prisoners that have taken place "in recent days". Unai Bilbao Solaetxe de Portugalete has been transferred from Daroca prison to Zaballa prison in Álava; Ibai Beobide Arza de Burgos to Basauri and Igor Portu de Lesaka from Daroca to Iruña/Pamplona; Joanes Larretxea de Villabona de San.

In addition, two other inmates have been transferred to prisons closer to the Basque Country. Mikel Azurmendi Peñagarikano, a native of Beasain, has been transferred from the Zaragozana prison of Zuera to El Dueso; Manex Castro Zabaleta of Villabona, from the Zaragozana prison of Daroca to El Dueso.