For five days, five people face the challenge of living in Basque in Algorta
  • Five residents of Algorta from different generations will begin between 31 May and 4 June the challenge of living in Basque for 5 days. As part of the "Algor7arrak Bat" campaign, the organizers want to put on the table the role that the Basque country plays in the construction of our people.
Iker Rincon Moreno Hiruka .eus 2021eko maiatzaren 27a

Five residents of Algorta from different generations will begin between 31 May and 4 June the challenge of living in Basque for 5 days. Peio Lago (17 years), Uxue Pradera (27 years), Urko Uriarte “Ruke” (48 years), Amaia Garamendi (60 years) and Marga Bravo (68 years) will be in charge of retaking this challenge, and they will make their day to day known through different videos that will be published in HIRUKA. The objective of the activity is to identify the limits and respiratory zones found in the municipality to live in Euskera.

The “Algor7arrak Bat” campaign is a dynamic created in Algorta in the context of the Aberri Eguna in 2021, with the aim of promoting and weaving support, awareness and activation networks towards the Basque Country. In this sense, and given that the role of the Basque Country in the construction of our people is unquestionable, this initiative has wanted to do its bit with the simple initiative they will carry out within the framework of the campaign.

Need to address the Basque Country

According to the organizers of the initiative, in recent weeks it has been plagued with news and initiatives related to the Basque country, both good and bad: "The ruling of the Municipal Police of Irun is very serious and can represent a great setback on the road to normalization of the Basque Country. In addition, the rupture of the model of immersion in Ipar Euskal Herria has been a hard blow, once again closing the doors to what could have been done years ago thanks to his work. These serious cases show the vulnerable situation of our language, highlighting the obstacles that it still faces on the road to normalization".

However, in order to cope with these setbacks, both the Basque and the Basque speakers work day by day, year by year, in favor of the Basque country. An example of this are two initiatives that will take place these days in the region: The Berbodromo organized by the Egizu association, to be held today and tomorrow in Getxo, and the Ibilaldia organized by the Betiko and Ander Deuna Ikastolas on 30 May. "If it weren't for this work, we would hardly be in the current situation and yet it's not enough," the drivers of the "Algor7arrak Bat" campaign launched by Unesku dago have been underlined.