The fifth container will be deployed throughout Bilbao
  • The Bilbao City Council has announced the extension of the brown container for the collection of organic matter to the entire municipality. It will replace old ships in different neighborhoods and replace them with new ones in places that have not been installed so far; a total of 1,500 new containers. Ecologistas en Acción highlights this as an encouraging step forward, but reiterates that much remains to be done.
Miren Osa Galdona @Mirentx_U 2018ko maiatzaren 11

“Joy, yes, but not total: because there is evidence of the value of this garbage collection system, and the problem of waste management is not solved simply by placing another container on the streets.” These are the reasons why the organization does not fully agree with the decision of the city council. In addition to the measure taken, other means must be considered in their opinion. Institutional support through tax benefits, continuous awareness and flexibility of the organic matter collected, among others. They say that if these measures are not adopted, the step taken by the City Council could be “useless” and could be left in a mere “formalism”.

Leaving aside the nuances, ecologists have insisted that it is the fruit of years of work. They said that the issue of organic waste should have been addressed “a long time ago” and said that if measures had been taken earlier, the Zabalgarbi incinerator would not be necessary. In 2012, the pilot experience installed in Deusto gave good results and then the City Council announced that the 5th container would be installed throughout the city. Six years later, the final decision came.

The purpose of recycling

The organic matter collection rate in Bizkaia was 1.4% two years ago. Ecologist Marstan highlights that “there is a lot to do”, since the “adequate” rate in Pigrub is 4.5%. “Gipuzkoa receives eight times more bio-waste than Bizkaia, although the population of Bizkaia is twice as large.” In order for recycling to become a “habit”, the environmental organization has demanded the full commitment of the City Councils and the Provincial Council.